According to the WHO, 30% of health expenditures are wasted on inefficient care and avoidable complications.
The Consortium Résultat Patient is dedicated to the emergence of real-world data registries that measure the value of care according to standardised indicators that matter to patients.

One of the major weaknesses of health systems is that they measure treatment inputs rather than patient outcomes.
To address this, the Consortium Résultat Patient accelerates the emergence of real-world data registries measuring patients’ health gains and Value-Based Health Care (VBHC).
The Consortium includes public and private institutions committed to:
- involving patients in health care evaluation (quality of life, functional recovery)
- allowing clinicians to compare themselves and improve their practices
- making health outcomes visible to all stakeholders
- helping patients navigate the health system and identify high-value care
The Value-Based Health Care (VBHC) approach measures patient outcomes relative to money spent.
Patient outcomes refer to a functional recovery and quality of life composite score.
- This score is measured through psychometric surveys scientifically validated.
- Patients' health gains, of clinical benefits, result from the score difference before, during and after treatment
- Scores are adjusted to patients' profiles, according to comorbidities and complications.
- This comparative analysis of real-world health gains identifies which care pathway generates the highest value for a specific patient profile and for the health system.
The Consortium Résultat Patient was mandated by the European Union to publish a report in 2020 on the implementation of VBHC ecosystems.
Based on an analysis of 250 interviews of VBHC leaders across 22 EU countries, the handbook captures VBHC best practices. It offers a structured roadmap for implementation and presents case studies to help give rise to ecosystems based on high-value care.
interviews of VBHC leaders
EU countries analyzed
visits of pioneering sites

The Consortium is participating in the VBHC cataract experiment led by PromTime, funded by the French Ministry of Health and the National payer, the Assurance Maladie.
The experiment evaluates the appropriateness and transparency of cataract surgeries performed in the Nantes and Limoges regions.
This experiment introduces two pioneering innovations (Decree published in the Journal Officiel de la République Française on July 30, 2020):
- The open benchmark of average health gainsof participating clinicians
- An incentive payment for practitioners who share patients' health gains: The Financial Incentive for Advanced Transparency (FIAT)
The Consortium Résultat Patient evaluates your PROMs approach
Integrating PROMs into your medical project is a pioneering initiative.
To meet this challenge, the Patient Outcome Consortium can help you assess and advance your efforts.
Our audit is based on indicators validated at both the national and international levels.
In practice, the experts at the Patient Outcome Consortium specifically evaluate:
- The operational quality of your PROMs project
- Instrument standardization
- The digitalization of data collection
- Data integrity
- The clinical use of results
Concretely, our audit is conducted both onsite and remotely, including:
- Interviews with a patient representative, clinicians, the institution’s management, etc.
- Statistical analyses (results, integrity tests, bias prevention, etc.)
At the end of the audit, you will receive a qualitative and quantitative report detailing:
- The strengths of your PROMs approach and areas for improvement
- Recognition of this audit in the Statista–Newsweek “World’s Best Hospitals” ranking
- The added value of your quality approach for certification
For more information:
Supervisory Board
Anne-Marie Armanteras
President of the Supervisory Board, Consortium Résultat Patient
President, ANAP; former commission chair HAS, former DGOS, former health advisor to the President of the French Republic

Pr. Laurent Degos
Founder and first President, HAS
Member of Académie des sciences
Pr. Isabelle Durand-Zaleski
Director, Health Economics Clinical Research Unit (APHP)
Former head of the evaluation department, HAS
Member of the Scientific Council, ATIH

Peter Pitts
President, Center for Medicine in the Public Interest
Former FDA Deputy Commissioner
Gérard Raymond
President, France Assos Santé

Pr. Gabriel Steg
Professor of Cardiology,
Vice President of the APHP Board of Directors
Executive Board
Dr. Jean-Pierre Thierry
President, Consortium Résultat Patient
Medical advisor, France Assos Santé
Member of the Transparency Commission, HAS

Florent Perin Dureau
Anesthesiologist, Medical advisor Rest Therapeutics
Former director of the neuroscience department, ANSM
Former director of research, Hôpital Foch
Marie-Josée Augé-Caumon
Honorary President
Treasurer of the Pharmacy National Professional Council

Pr. Béatrice Cochener
President of the National Council of Ophthalmology Professionals
Ophtalmology Department, Brest University Hospital

Dr. Vincent Dédes
President of the Syndicat National des Ophtalmologistes de France (National Union of Ophthalmologists of France)
Cabinet d’Ophtalmologie des Flandres
Dr. François Lignereux
President of the Scientific Council
Institut Ophtalmologique Sourdille-Atlantique

Pr. Dominique Monnet
Vice President de la SAFIR
Ophthalmology department, APHP Cochin Hospital
Dr. Pascal Rozot
President of the SAFIR (Society of the French Association of Implants and Refractive Surgery)

Pr. Michel Weber
Chief of the Ophthalmology department, Nantes University Hospital
Dr. Jean-Pierre Thierry
President, Consortium Résultat Patient
Medical advisor, France Assos Santé
Member of the Transparency Commission, HAS

Dr Philippe Bellemère
Former President of the French Society of Hand Surgery (SFCM)
Institut de la main santé Atlantique, Nantes

Dr Camilo Chaves
Hand surgeon
Clinique du Pré, Le Mans, Clinique Ambroise Paré, Neuilly sur Seine
Dr Thierry Dubert
Chairman of the Scientific Board
Hôpital Privé Paul d’Egine, Champigny sur Marnes

Pr Laurent Obert
1st Vice President, SFCM
Head of Department, Besançon University Hospital
Dr Yves Jacob
Chairman of the Legal Commission, SFCM
Clinique Claude Bernard, Metz

Dr Patrick Théron
President CDOM 94, Secretary General CNOM, Honorary President, Réseau Prévention Main Ile de France
Dr Alexandre Kilinc
Clinique Jouvenet,
President, Réseau Prévention Main Ile-de-France

Dr. Jean-Pierre Thierry
President, Consortium Résultat Patient
Medical advisor, France Assos Santé
Member of the Transparency Commission, HAS

Pr. Patrick Rozenberg
President CNGOF
American Hospital of Paris

Pr. Philippe Deruelle
Secretary general, CNP GOGM
PU-PH, CHU Montpellier
Pr. Corinne Dupont
Vice-Dean of Maieutics, HCL
Faculty of Medicine, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University

Pr. Cyril Huissoud
Secretary general CNGOF
Chef de service, HCL
Pr. Laurent Gaucher
Treasurer of the National Coundil of Midwives, Haute Ecole de Santé de Genève

Pr. Françoise Vendittelli
President of the AUDIPOG Scientific Advisory Board, Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital
Dr. Olivier Multon
Vice-President, Treasurer of the CNGOF, Director, Gynerisq
Praticien libéral, Santé Atlantique ELSAN

Anne Evrard
Co-President of the Collectif Interassociatif Autour de la Naissance, CIANE

Dr. Jean-Pierre Thierry
President, Consortium Résultat Patient
Medical advisor, France Assos Santé
Member of the Transparency Commission, HAS

Pr Vincent Darrouzet
Former President CNP ORL
CHU de Bordeaux

Head of department
Hospices Civils de Lyon
Pr Jérôme Nevoux
Bicêtre Hospital

Pr Christophe Vincent
Head of department
CHU de Lille
Dr Mary Daval
ENT surgeon
Deputy Head of Department,
Fondation Rothschild

Dr Didier Bouccara
Liberal practitioner,
Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou
Pr Frédéric Venail
CHU de Montpellier

Dr. Jean-Pierre Thierry
President, Consortium Résultat Patient
Medical advisor, France Assos Santé
Member of the Transparency Commission, HAS
Executive Board

Dr. Jean-Pierre Thierry
President, Consortium Résultat Patient
Medical advisor, France Assos Santé
Member of the Transparency Commission, HAS

Marie-Josée Augé-Caumon
Honnorary President
Treasurer of the Pharmacy National Professional Council

Florent Perin Dureau
Anesthesiologist, Medical advisor Rest Therapeutics
Former director of the neuroscience department, ANSM
Former director of research, Hôpital Foch
Supervisory Board

Anne-Marie Armanteras
President of the Supervisory Board, Consortium Résultat Patient
President, ANAP; former commission chair HAS, former DGOS,
former health advisor to the President of the French Republic

Pr. Laurent Degos
Founder and first President, HAS
Member of Académie des sciences

Pr. Isabelle Durand-Zaleski
Director, Health Economics Clinical Research Unit (APHP)
Former head of the evaluation department, HAS
Member of the Scientific Council, ATIH

Peter Pitts
President, Center for Medicine in the Public Interest
Former FDA Deputy Commissioner

Gérard Raymond
President, France Assos Santé

Pr. Gabriel Steg
Professor of Cardiology,
Vice President of the APHP Board of Directors

Pr. Béatrice Cochener
President of the National Council of Ophthalmology Professionals
Ophtalmology Department, Brest University Hospital

Dr. Vincent Dédes
President of the Syndicat National des Ophtalmologistes de France (National Union of Ophthalmologists of France)
Cabinet d’Ophtalmologie des Flandres

Dr. François Lignereux
President of the Scientific Council
Institut Ophtalmologique Sourdille-Atlantique

Pr. Dominique Monnet
Vice President, SAFIR (Society of the French Association of Implants and Refractive Surgery)
Ophthalmology department, APHP Cochin Hospital

Dr. Pascal Rozot
President of the SAFIR (Society of the French Association of Implants and Refractive Surgery)

Pr. Michel Weber
Chef de service
Ophthalmology department, Nantes University Hospital

Dr. Jean-Pierre Thierry
President, Consortium Résultat Patient
Medical advisor, France Assos Santé
Member of the Transparency Commission, HAS

Dr Philippe Bellemère
Ancien président de la Société Française de Chirurgie de la Main (SFCM)
Institut de la main santé Atlantique, Nantes

Dr Camilo Chaves
Chirurgien de la main
Clinique du Pré, Le Mans, Clinique Ambroise Paré, Neuilly sur Seine

Dr Thierry Dubert
Président du Conseil Scientifique
Hôpital Privé Paul d’Egine, Champigny sur Marnes

Mr Cédric Girault
Directeur Administratif & conseiller médico-social
Réseau Prévention Main Ile de France

Dr Yves Jacob
Président de la commission juridique de la SFCM
Clinique Claude Bernard, Metz

Pr Laurent Obert
1er Vice Président de la SFCM
Chef de service, CHU de Besançon

Dr Patrick Théron
Président CDOM 94, Secrétaire Général Adjoint CNOM, Président d’Honneur Réseau Prévention Main Ile de France

Dr Alexandre Kilinc
Clinique Jouvenet,
President, Réseau Prévention Main Ile-de-France

Dr. Jean-Pierre Thierry
President, Consortium Résultat Patient
Medical advisor, France Assos Santé
Member of the Transparency Commission, HAS

Pr. Patrick Rozenberg
Délégué régional IDF CNGOF
Hôpital Américain de Paris

Pr. Philippe Deruelle
Secrétaire général du CNP GOGM
PU-PH, CHU Montpellier

Pr. Cyril Huissoud
Secrétaire général du CNGOF
Chef de service, HCL

Dr. Olivier Multon
Vice-président, Trésorier du CNGOF, Administrateur, Gynerisq
Praticien libéral, Santé Atlantique ELSAN

Pr. Corinne Dupont
Vice-doyenne maïeutique, HCL
Faculté de médecine, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Dr. Jean-Pierre Thierry
President, Consortium Résultat Patient
Medical advisor, France Assos Santé
Member of the Transparency Commission, HAS

Pr Vincent Darrouzet
Président du CNP ORL
CHU de Bordeaux

Chef de service Service d’audiologie et d’explorations otoneurologiques
Hospices Civils de Lyon

Pr Jérôme Nevoux
Hôpital Bicêtre (APHP)

Pr Christophe Vincent
CHU de Lille

Dr Mary Daval
Fondation Rothschild

Dr Didier Bouccara
Exercice libéral,
PH Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou

Pr Frédéric Venail
CHU de Montpellier

Dr. Jean-Pierre Thierry
President, Consortium Résultat Patient
Medical advisor, France Assos Santé
Member of the Transparency Commission, HAS
Supervisory Board

Anne-Marie Armanteras
President of the Supervisory Board, Consortium Résultat Patient President, ANAP; former commission chair HAS, former DGOS, former health advisor to the President of the French Republic

Pr. Laurent Degos
Founder and first President, HAS Member of Académie des sciences

Pr. Isabelle Durand-Zaleski
Director, Health Economics Clinical Research Unit (APHP) Former head of the evaluation department, HAS Member of the Scientific Council, ATIH

Peter Pitts
President, Center for Medicine in the Public Interest Former FDA Deputy Commissioner

Gérard Raymond
President, France Assos Santé

Pr. Gabriel Steg
Professor of Cardiology, Vice President of the APHP Board of Directors
Executive Board

Dr. Jean-Pierre Thierry
President, Consortium Résultat Patient, Medical advisor, France Assos Santé Member of the Transparency Commission, HAS

Marie-Josée Augé-Caumon
Honorary President Treasurer of the Pharmacy National Professional Council

Florent Perin Dureau
Anesthesiologist, Medical advisor Rest Therapeutics Former director of the neuroscience department, ANSM Former director of research, Hôpital Foch

Pr. Béatrice Cochener
President of the National Council of Ophthalmology Professionals Ophtalmology Department, Brest University Hospital

Dr. François Lignereux
President of the Scientific Council Institut Ophtalmologique Sourdille-Atlantique

Dr. Vincent Dédes
President of the Syndicat National des Ophtalmologistes de France (National Union of Ophthalmologists of France) Cabinet d’Ophtalmologie des Flandres

Pr. Dominique Monnet
Vice President of the Society of the French Association of Implants and Refractive Surgery Ophthalmology department, APHP Cochin Hospital

Dr. Pascal Rozot
President of the SAFIR (Society of the French Association of Implants and Refractive Surgery) Ophthalmologist

Pr. Michel Weber
Head of the Ophthalmology department, Nantes University Hospital

Dr. Jean-Pierre Thierry
President, Consortium Résultat Patient, Medical advisor, France Assos Santé Member of the Transparency Commission, HAS

Dr Philippe Bellemère
Former President of the French Society of Hand Surgery (SFCM) Institut de la main santé Atlantique, Nantes

Dr Thierry Dubert
Chairman of the Scientific Board Hôpital Privé Paul d'Egine, Champigny sur Marnes

Dr Camilo Chaves
Hand surgeon Clinique du Pré, Le Mans, Clinique Ambroise Paré, Neuilly sur Seine

Dr Yves Jacob
Chairman of the Legal Commission, SFCM Clinique Claude Bernard, Metz

Pr Laurent Obert
1st Vice President, SFCM Head of Department, Besançon University Hospital

Dr Patrick Théron
President CDOM 94, Secretary General CNOM, Honorary President, Réseau Prévention Main Ile de France

Dr Alexandre Kilinc
Clinique Jouvenet, President, Réseau Prévention Main Ile-de-France

Dr. Jean-Pierre Thierry
President, Consortium Résultat Patient, Medical advisor, France Assos Santé Member of the Transparency Commission, HAS

Pr. Patrick Rozenberg
President CNGOF, American Hospital of Paris

Pr. Philippe Deruelle
Secretary general, CNP GOGM PU-PH, CHU Montpellier

Pr. Cyril Huissoud
Secretary general CNGOF Chef de service, HCL

Pr. Françoise Vendittelli
President of the AUDIPOG Scientific Advisory Board, Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital

Dr. Olivier Multon
Vice-President, Treasurer of the CNGOF, Director, Gynerisq Praticien libéral, Santé Atlantique ELSAN

Anne Evrard
Co-President of the Collectif Interassociatif Autour de la Naissance, CIANE

Pr. Laurent Gaucher
Treasurer of the National Council of Midwives, Haute Ecole de Santé de Genève

Pr. Corinne Dupont
Vice-Dean of Maieutics, HCL Faculty of Medicine, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University

Dr. Jean-Pierre Thierry
President, Consortium Résultat Patient Medical advisor, France Assos Santé Member of the Transparency Commission, HAS

Pr Vincent Darrouzet
Former President CNP ORL CHU de Bordeaux

Head of department, Hospices Civils de Lyon

Pr Jérôme Nevoux
Hôpital Bicêtre (APHP)

Pr Christophe Vincent
Head of Department Lille University Hospital

Dr Mary Daval
ENT surgeon Deputy Head of Department, Fondation Rothschild

Dr Didier Bouccara
Liberal practitioner, PH Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou

Pr Frédéric Venail
CHU de Montpellier

Dr. Jean-Pierre Thierry
President, Consortium Résultat Patient Medical advisor, France Assos Santé Member of the Transparency Commission, HAS